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    Section Three

    Welcome to Section Three Of Our Confessions of the Heart Racial Equity Challenge!


    If you're just joining us, welcome! Folks new to the challenge might want to head over to Section One and Section Two before embarking on Section Three. Remember, there's no time limit on this journey. Explore at your own pace, engage with the content that sparks your growth, and know that we'll keep all of this up online throughout the year. It's a soul-stretching journey, not a sprint. Okay, ready?

    Reminder About The Prompts...
    1. Make an Appointment with Yourself: Please plan to set aside between 20-30 minutes each day you engage with the "Confessions of the Heart" resources.

    2. Create a Space for Yourself: It will be helpful for you to find a quiet place daily where you feel comfortable reading, watching, listening and paying attention to what comes up for you as you move through each day's prompts.

    3. Your journal is your friend: Use your journal to write down any feelings, reflections that emerge from your engagement of the resources--big or small. Your journal will offer you a map for growth as we move forward.

    4. Build support around you: Schedule weekly 15-minute appointments with your racial equity listening partner so that they can joyfully witness, support and celebrate your growth with you. A good question for this listening partnership might be: What are you learning right now and how is it connecting to your life?
    This Week We're All Learning Together (no differentiated tracks)…
    This week we are inviting all participants of Confessions of the Heart to share the same journey with one heart and a single track of learning that holds all of us in Spirit and Power.


    Don't Forget The Al Chet...
    Yavilah McCoy's powerful adaptation of the Al Chet/Confession liturgy offers a frame for this challenge, so take a few minutes to read it if you haven't yet.


    Let's continue the journey...

  • Al Chet Section Three

    Dismantling Racism by Acknowledging our Power to Act.

    Dismantling Racism by Deepening our Connection to Spirit.


    For the sins of failing to acknowledge our own and other’s Power.

    For the sins of acknowledging Power that is misused and misplaced.

    For the sins of judging others favorably and unfavorably without gaining proximity to their lived experience.


    For the sins of racism that we have committed by not seeing racism as an evil among us.

    For the sins of racism that we have committed by not committing to end it.


    Neither the Jewish Emergent Network nor Dimensions are directly endorsing any of the artists, healers, diverse teachers of faith, or other content creators whose work is linked in this challenge. We are sharing the world of spirit equitably with many people as we endeavor to learn more about our need to work together across diverse faith communities to dismantle racism and white supremacy for us all.​

  • Prompt One

  • How Am I Dismantling Racism By Deepening My Connection To Spirit?​


    Deuter, Hands of Love 



    Lao Tzu (Author of Tao Te Ching)

    “Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage.”


    “Simplicity, patience, compassion- The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.”


    Sit quietly and bring to mind the experience of being in the presence of someone who has loved you. Try to re-experience the expression in their eyes, their body language, their tone, words, and actions with you. Imagine taking your next action to dismantle racism while this person beams love at you. How does this make your approach to taking action similar or different to what you have experienced in the past? Consider one way in which you will welcome the experience of love into developing your anti-racist practice this week.

  • Prompt Two


  • How Am I Dismantling Racism By Acknowledging My Power to Act?​


    Mapei, Don’t Wait  



    Consider Mapei’s Lyrics:

    “Not a thing in the world could get between what we share
    No matter where you at, no worry I'll be there
    No one's got your back like I do
    Even when the business not going well, we still do
    When I shine, you shine always on your side
    All my life you'll have what's mine
    Mark my word, we gon' be alright
    My brother, my sister we gon' be just fine!


    What would it mean for you practically to make a commitment based on these lyrics to one Black person in your life? As a result of making this commitment, what’s one thing that you would start doing, stop doing or do differently?



    Option 1

    Sign up for Dear White People, Let’s Collect our Cousins, a SURJ 2020 Election Campaign for Antiracist White Folk.


    Option 2

    Read Calling People In About Violence Guide, and use it to call someone you have a relationship with.


  • Prompt Three

  • How am I Dismantling Racism by Deepening My Relationship to Spirit?​


    Deuter, Escape from Gravity  



    A Teaching from Radical Dharma: Talking Race, Love and Liberation by Rev. Angel Kyodo Wiliams


    Everything Begins by Leaving… (Babies, Flowers. Butterflies, Journeys) People always ask about beginnings. We strive after newness, the shiny, the acquisition of possibility. A proxy for our own longing to begin anew on the journey of finding ourselves because we haven’t yet gotten there. What we don’t often ask is, “What made me choose me?” “What has to end and what has to be left behind in order for me to be the me that I choose?”



    In this journey to develop my anti-racist practice, “What made me choose me?” “What has to end and what has to be left behind in order for me to BE the ME that I choose?”

  • Prompt Four

  • How am I Dismantling Racism by Acknowledging My Power to Act?​


    Jake Isaac, Brother  



    Assata Shakur, From Assata: An Autobiography

    It is our duty to fight for our freedom.

    It is our duty to win.

    We must love each other and support each other

    We have nothing to lose but our chains.


    Jewish law emphasizes taking note of our proximity to injustice and taking action. Deuteronomy Chapter 4, verse 9 states: “But take utmost care and watch yourselves scrupulously, so that you do not forget the things that you saw with your own eyes and so that they do not fade from your mind as long as you live. And make them known to your children and to your children's children.”



    How am I using my voice, power and positionality to name and address realities of race that are specific to the Jewish community--a predominantly white community in the US? What language am I developing, what concepts am I learning and what practices am I embracing as the work of Jewish white folks? What language am I developing, what concepts am I learning and what practices am I embracing as the work of BIPOC-JOC? How has/does my work to become anti-racist acknowledge differences between paths to racial equity and liberation as relevant? What opportunities am I creating for myself and others to welcome and support the “Both AND” of combined and separate work for White Folks and BIPOC?


    What’s one action I will take in coming days to integrate what I am learning from my answers to these questions within my personal and professional anti-racist practice?



    Support organizations that are led by and for BIPOC-JOC directly. (The below are organizational members of JOC-SHINE, a coalition dedicated to collective leadership, empowerment and self-determination among BIPOC-Jews of Color.)


    Jews in ALL Hues, Jarred Jackson

    Jewish Multiracial Network, Chava Shervington

    Dimensions Educational Consulting, Yavilah McCoy

    BYM, Shoshanah Brown

    Ammud JOC Torah Academy, Arielle Korman

    Mixed Operations, Anike Tourse

    Edot: Midwest Diversity Consortium


  • Prompt Five


  • How am I Dismantling Racism by Deepening My Relationship to Spirit?​

    The Call of the Shofar: A Prophetic Call to Teshuvah, Anti-Racism & Restorative Justice



    BIPOC Shofar Blowing



    The rabbis teach us that Elul is actually an acronym. Each of the Hebrew letters--alef, lamed, vav, lamed--stand for the beginning letter of each word in the phrase ani ledodi vedodi li /“I am my beloved’s, and my beloved is mine.” This phrase is taken from Song of Songs 6:3, and signifies the time leading into the Jewish High Holidays when we are meant to reflect on the relationship between “self” and “others.”


    How are you using this challenge to make explicit connections between the Jewish Practice of Teshuvah and your practice of Anti-Racism & Restorative Justice?



    Try on the following racial justice commitment statement, or create your own based on what you have been learning. What parts of the statement feel true for you personally, and professionally right, and what parts feel aspirational? What action will you take between now and the High Holidays to be able to make this, or your own racial justice commitment statement, true to your anti-racism practice?


    Commitment Statement: I am making leadership choices that bring me into deeper relationship with BIPOC-JOC people and communities of color. What resources do I need to avoid White Supremacy habits in my behavior? In my relationships, I am checking in with BIPOC-JOC (including myself if this is my identity) and asking and centering what I/They explicitly say they need. I am using my power, combined with what I learn in relationship with BIPOC-JOC, to amend systems, policies and structures that have enacted harm. I am doing the visionary work of Teshuvah and restorative justice: I am admitting wrongdoing, seeking forgiveness from those I have wronged, and I am committing to changing my behavior so that historical racial inequities are addressed, healed and not repeated. I am building a world and beloved community where we can all experience our basic human right to life, dignity and value.

  • Prompt Six

  • How am I Dismantling Racism by Acknowledging My Power to Act?​


    Read through Yavliah McCoy's powerful Al Chet for the Sins of Racism  



    Make a Healing and Forgiveness List based on as many categories listed as you can….

    • Sins of Racism for which I need to ask forgiveness are: _______________, with whom________________.
    • Sins of Racism that I am committed to engaging in alternative behaviors around are: _______________ and I am          committed to behaving differently in the following ways _______________________________________.
    • Sins of Racism for which I need to forgive myself and renew by belief in my/our capacity for change are: ________________________________________________________.

    For all these, we seek pardon, forgiveness, and atonement.